Friday, May 13, 2011

Am I Crazy.??

Is it crazy.. That my heart races when yu touch my hand.?
Or even when yu look at me.?
Is it crazy.. That i can feel that yu love me.?
Or that i know yu care for me.?
Is it crazy.. That i can fall asleep just with the sound of yur heartbeat.?
Or that i can completely be myself around yu.?
Is it crazy.. That i fall for yu more & more everyday.?
Or that yur smile makes me wanna be a better person.?
Is it crazy.. That i'm not scared anymore.?
Or that the dark is no longer a problem for me.?
Is it crazy.. That i can consider yu my best friend.?
Or that i can trust yu with my life.?
Is it crazy.. That my heart only beats for yu.?
Or that i can see us together forever.?

Baby... Is it crazy that i love yu.??? <3

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Is A Best Friend??

What is a best friend yu ask??
Well a best friend my dears is Sky Daniels :)
She is the most beautiful, funny, honest person yu will ever meet. & she is always there when yu need her.
She is trustworthy & just.. amazing :)

A best friend is someone who KNOWS when somethings wrong with yu even when yu don't say anything
Someone who knows yur flaws & excepts them
Someone who will listen to what yu have to say & help yu through the hard times
Someone who will forgive yu for yur mistakes, than make more with yu ;P
Someone yu can laugh with for hours about the stupid stuff yu say
A best friend is someone who will lay with yu in the pitch black & just talk to yu :)
Someone who will let yu be at their house everyday
Someone who will say hello with an insult when they really mean "Hey i love yu" :)
Someone who yu can have a MILLION inside jokes with & not remember half of them :P
A best friend through my eyes...
Is Sky Daniels <3

I love yu Zazu :) Thank yu for always being there for me :) No matter how annoying, or stupid, or retarded i can be :P yu have always been there... & i KNOW we will always be Best Friends.... forever & a day fool <3

Thank Yu For Being Here(:

I have changed so much these past few years..
But through it all i am changing for the better :)
For most of yu it may not seem like i am.. But that must mean yu just dont know me. Or yu won't except me for.. Me.
I have changed alot.. & God knows im changing for the better.
& I have made some HUGE mistakes.. But yu know who is always there through whatever mistakes i make??
Sky Daniels & Josh Suarez :)
The two most amazing people in my life.. & they make me who i am today :) I would be so lost without them <3
Josh has held my hand through it all, & has been my shoulder to cry on when things don't seem to be going right.. i know he will always be there for me.. No matter what.. Till death do us part :)
Sky... Has been the most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for.. :)) i can go to her with anything & i know she's always there, no matter what.. & i can trust her with everything i have <3

No matter what mistakes i make.. i know i can count on them to be there :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thank yu for loving me... for me(:

I love yu <3

I love yu more than words can say.
I love yu more than every action i take.
I'll be right here loving yu till the end :)

Love is one hell of an emotional roller coaster. But in the end yu know it's real when yu can still say goodnight with a perfect 'i love yu'

I can never stop talking about yu.. & when i'm not talking about yu, i'm thinking about yu.. when i'm not thinking about yu, i'm dreaming about yu.. & if i'm not doing any of that.. i'm in yur arms, looking into yur perfect brown eyes, trying not to act stupid.. & always doing my best to impress yu...